Itchy Scalp Hair Loss

Hair and scalp problem is not uncommon.

At one point in our life, most of us experienced an itchy scalp or hair loss. Most often, this is caused by poor hair and scalp management, stress and poor diet. It goes away once you have started taking good care of your scalp and hair again and start on a balanced diet and regular exercise. Though not life threatening, having patches of hair loss, large flakes or constant itching can be embarrassing.

What if itchy scalp, hair loss and other problems occur together? Should you be worried if you have itchy scalp and hair loss at the same time? We need to understand the underlying cause and have proper diagnosis before determiningthe severity of the problem and finding resolution to this problem.

What Can Trigger Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss?

Our hair is our crowning glory. It can be bothersome if you have thinning hair that is accompanied by itchy scalp. There could be a lot of factors why your crowning glory is not as glorious as it can be. Below are some of the most common causes.

1.   Dandruff

It’s a common skin condition that can affect the skin of your head which causes white/gray flakes of dead skin in your scalp. Though its severity varies per person, it is not contagious and totally harmless. It does not pose a serious threat to your health; however, it can be very embarrassing let alone bothersome.

If you have a sever dandruff, those huge white patches can certainly put you in a scratch frenzy. Not only are they the reason why you can’t seem to wear black clothes, they can also cause falling hair. If your dandruff is caused by eczema, symptoms of this condition will also be accompanied with itchy scalp, hair loss, and so on.


You can avoid having dandruff if you take care of your hair and scalp properly. Use mild hair products and rinse them very well to avoid leaving residues on your scalp. Don’t wash your hair too often or too rare either.

These home remedies are also effective in treating dandruff:

  • Coconut oil and lemon
  • Fenugreek
  • Curd
  • Baking Soda
  • Tea tree oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Neem juice

2.   Scalp Infection

Several infection-related conditions and infectious agents can result to hair loss and itchy scalp.

The most common scalp infection is ringworm, a type of fungal infection that can occur at any part of your body. If it develops on your scalp, it causes tinea capitis – which leads to patches of hair loss.

The ringworm usually starts as a small pimple and slowly expands its size, until it forms scaly patches of hair loss. The fungus attacks the hair fibers, which makes them weak, brittle and easily breaks off. Areas that are affected are inflamed, red and itchy.


Oral antifungal medications are often prescribed to patients with scalp ringworm. An antifungal shampoo is also recommended.

You can also get rid of scalp fungus effectively by using these home remedies:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Azadirachta indica leaves
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Baking soda
  • Bay leaves
  • Lime juice
  • Tea Tree oil

3.   Hair Disorders

Hair disorder such as alopecia causes itchy scalp, hair loss and other symptoms. Also known as spot baldness, it triggers the loss of hair from some or all areas of your body. Pregnancy, certain diseases, bacterial infections and medication usually trigger alopecia and other hair disorders.


Though most hair disorders are hereditary, lifestyle factors can lowers your risk of getting them. Improve the quality of your skin and hair by following a healthy diet and stay away from the harmful rays of the sun.

For the treatment, it depends on the cause and condition of the hair disorder. Most common treatments include oral medication, topical treatment, behavioral modification and hair replacement.

4.   Hormonal Changes

Temporary hair loss is often caused by hormonal imbalances and changes in your body such as childbirth, onset of menopause, or an underactive thyroid gland. Hormonal imbalance causes the overproduction of testosterone which triggers thinning of hair over the crown of your scalp.


Beat the negative effects of hormonal imbalance to your hair with these proven effective treatments:

  • Regular exercise
  • Healthy diet
  • Eating foods that are rich in phytoestrogens such as soy and flax seeds
  • Omega fatty acids
  • Vitamin D
  • Coconut oil
  • Basil leaves
  • Fenugreek

According to Medline Plus, those that are under stress and have self-esteem issues also suffer from itchy scalp and hair loss. You should seek medical help for these conditions to avoid major social impairment.

Visit your dermatologist again and request for re-evaluation if your condition does not have any improvement after a week of treatment.

How to Prevent These Problems

They say prevention is always better than cure.

Take care of your skin and hair to avoid having to deal with these nightmares including itchy scalp, hair loss and so on. Shampoo and comb your hair regularly and avoid using harsh products on your hair.

Pay attention to any signs of skin and hair problem and seek medical help if you find the condition is becoming severe. Early diagnosis of the condition provides better treatment options.