Low Grade Fever

Fever is possibly the most commonly diagnosed health condition as well as the body’s first signal of a disease or infection. The thermoregulatory set-point of the body rises in order to deal with any faulty mechanisms within the body. Fevers are usually characterized by cold bouts as well as increased muscle tone, heart rate and shivering. Low grade fever is a mild increase in the normal body temperature for an individual, usually ranging from 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 102.2 degrees.

Causes of Low Grade Fever

1. Causes of Low Grade Fever in Infants and Children

Usually a rectal reading of 100.4 Fahrenheit to 100.9 Fahrenheit and an oral reading of 99.5 Fahrenheit to 101 Fahrenheit, low grade fevers in infants indicate infection, while they may also be caused by other diseases.The common causes include the followings:

  • An upper respiratory infection which will have symptoms like cough, stuffy nose and a sore throat.
  • Gastrointestinal tract infection that has been triggered by bacteria or viruses. In this case, fever will be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Teething may also cause a slight increase in body temperature and usually begins around three months of age.
  • Chickenpox, a viral infection that causes fluid-filled blisters that are small in size on the skin, can also cause a fever.
  • Measles may also cause fever and this causes blotchy skin rashes as well.
  • Mumps is when a virus attacks the salivary glands and other symptoms include puffy cheeks due to swollen salivary glands and fever.
  • A UTI (urinary tract infection) can also cause fever and sometimes that will be the only symptom. Other times there is also cloudy or strong-smelling urine.
  • The fever can also occur after certain immunizations and will usually last one to two days before going away.

Flu and the common cold are examples of the viral infections which most commonly cause low grade fever. Infants and children are at a higher risk of these infections due to their weakened immune systems. Most of them get the common cold one or two times each year, which will be more commonly during the winter. Cough can also indicate a bacterial infection such as strep throat or a sinus infection. Other specific causes of low grade fever for kids include:

  • Rubella
  • Bladder infection
  • Ear infection
  • Chickenpox
  • Fifth disease
  • Roseola
  • Mumps
  • Measles
  • Coxackievirus
  • Dengue fever

At times, additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, runny nose or sore throatmay accompany the fever. If there are no other symptoms, the fever might indicate chronic allergies or an allergic reaction. While minor fevers may disappear in a day, you should contact a doctor if it lasts more than several days.

2. Causes of Low Grade Fever in Adults

  • Infections



Bacterial Infection

These are caused by pathogenic bacteria and examples may include an infection of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis and typhoid.

Viral Infection

The most common examples are flu and the cold, and fever is the sign that is easiest to spot of these contagious diseases. Other viral infections include chickenpox, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDS.

Fungal Infection

This is when the body is attacked by fungal strains and can also affect children. The doctor usually recommends anti fungal medication in a specific dose and for a particular length of time.

Urinary Tract Infection

This is also known as UTI and other symptoms include passing bloody urine, the frequent urge for urination and a burning sensation while urinating.

  • Allergy. Allergies can also cause fever, for example, hay fever is a common example caused by an allergy to pollen.
  • Medication. Certain new medications may also trigger fever and this is known as a drug fever. The symptoms will stop when you discontinue the medication.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease. Also known as PID, this is the result of a bacterial infection within the female reproductive system. It is necessary to treat immediately to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the body and to stop recurrent fever.
  • Appendicitis.Appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix can also cause fever. If it is not treated, bacteria continue to breed, leading to recurrent fevers.
  • Tuberculosis. A persistent mild fever can indicate tuberculosis or another underlying condition. This bacterial infection via pathology is chronic and affects lung functioning.
  • Lymphoma. Lymphoma as well as other cancer types may cause mild fever, indicating the need for immediate medical attention.

Treatments of Low Grade Fever

1. Take Medication

Medication like ibuprofen (Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin may lower fever. Never use aspirin to treat fever in children and don’t give ibuprofen to infants younger than six months. Experts recommend that parents should not give medications to infants or babies without first talking to their doctor.

2. Visit a Doctor

If you experience any serious symptoms or your low grade fever persists for an extended period of time, you should contact 911 and seek emergency medical care. The serious symptoms include rapid heart rate, blue coloration on the nails or lips, seizure, neck rigidity, severe pain, difficulty walking, difficulty breathing, decreased consciousness, confusion, and inconsolability or irritability in children.Also seek prompt care if your immune system is weakened, you have any chronic medical problems or show other symptoms that could indicate infection.

3. Have Plenty of Liquids

You should maintain the proper levels of hydration by having plenty of water. You should also consume other liquids such as fresh fruit juices and soups.

4. Have Good Rest

When you have a low grade fever, get plenty of rest, stay inside and avoid exerting yourself.

5. Keep Cool

Try to stay cool during a low grade fever by opting for light clothing and maintaining a cooler room temperature.