Getting Pregnant After a Miscarriage

Trying to conceive after a miscarriage can be an emotionally challenging experience. The most common questions that arise are, "Is it easy to become pregnant after a miscarriage" or "How long should I wait until I can try to get pregnant again after a miscarriage?" In this article we wish to ease your mind and provide some helpful advice that will hopefully aid in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

How long should you wait to conceive after a miscarriage?

Recent research at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland has discovered that a long wait is not necessary to successfully conceive after a miscarriage. General consensus once suggested that a woman should wait at least six months after a miscarriage before trying to get pregnant again. Yet a new study shows that this notion is flawed, as it is safe to try and conceive within the first six months following a miscarriage. There is even a higher chance of a successful pregnancy if a woman conceives within the first six months. Women can theoretically conceive as soon as their next ovulatory cycle.

If a woman is over 30 years old, waiting six months before trying to conceive again can actually reduce the odds of pregnancy. Age increases the chances of miscarriage and decreases the odds of conception, so older women should not wait for an extended period of time to try and get pregnant again.

Amos Gruenbaum, Director of obstetrics at the NY Hospital-Cornell Weill Medical College, stated that women should "get pregnant whenever you are ready," both emotionally and physically. He went on to say that there would be no dire repercussions in trying to get pregnant shortly after a miscarriage.

It is therefore recommended that you try to conceive again whenever you are completely ready.

What is the probability of another miscarriage?

The chances of another miscarriage are actually quite slim. 85 per cent of women who have had a miscarriage will have a healthy pregnancy the next time they conceive, and 75 per cent of women who have had multiple miscarriages will have a successful pregnancy in the future. Statistics also show that a marginal 5 per cent of women will have two miscarriages in a row, and only 1 per cent will have more than two. Therefore, the chances of a successful pregnancy after a miscarriage are actually quite high.

Do you need to take any tests before attempting another pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Medical tests are only recommended if you have experienced multiple miscarriages. These tests aim to reveal if there is any underlying medical condition causing these miscarriages. Below we have listed some common tests:

Blood tests: A blood test may be conducted in order to check your hormone levels or show any potential problems with your immune system.

Chromosomal tests: This is a blood test that will be given to both partners. It determines if chromosomes are playing a part in the miscarriages.

Ultrasound: This will explore your uterus and vagina to see if there is anything abnormal.

Hysteroscopy: This is a small telescope structure that is inserted into your vagina to get to your uterus. It will examine the walls of your uterus and the fallopian tubes to see if there are any problems with them.

Sonohysterogram: This test involves fluid being injected into the uterus, followed by an ultrasound. This ultrasound will explore the lining of the uterus to see if there are any problems with it.

Hysterosalpingography: The doctor will inject a dye into your uterus, then take an x-ray of your uterus. This will highlight the uterine cavity and reveal any problems in that area.

In conclusion, recent study has concluded that you should not wait too long before trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage. Furthermore, the likelihood of another miscarriage is very slim, so approach the experience with hope and enthusiasm.